Saturday, February 27, 2010

The end of a curse?

In retrospect, I should have just resigned earlier...

When I felt it was a dead end job.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's in the genes

All gazillion of them.

Prancing about my room the banana brown beetles knock themselves out. Light is nice to the beetle... though lethal. Yeah, what to do... it's in their genes right.

Yes, and it's in my genes too or rather an interplay between my genes and environment.
Something inspired a thought in me today... what is the clearest personification of my identity? What am I now that I have always had since I was born and will continue on till the day I die?

Manifested by every cell in my body. If ever I have a soul or essence, it must be made of deoxyribonucleic acids.

What I am today is the result of a 21 year waltz between genes and reality. Yes, if I had poor nutrition for example, I would have never been able to grow up to 173 cm even though my genes would have been the same. I would also never have learnt how to swim if I hadn't had access to a swimming pool. Genes give us capacity. But having the capacity to do or be things doesn't necessarily mean that it is innate. A glass that has the capacity to contain orange juice doesn't mean that it contains orange juice. But it will have OJ though if one pours OJ into it.

do you know your genes and what you're truly capable of?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Humans and Machines

and Machines,
They're different.

Machine capacities, the more one uses them, the more they degrade. That's why we need warranties.
Human capacites, the more one uses them, the better they get. That's why there will never be warranties against change- For that change is called growth.


Machine capacities, don't use and it will inert at best
Human capacites, use it or lose it

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another grateful day

1. I'm grateful that I managed to complete viewing 5 webcast lectures in half a day.
2. I'm grateful for a renewed zest to be independent.
3. I'm grateful for loving friends.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Butterfly printer

The butterfly flutters
Lands on Printer A
How are your Printer B
Oops I am
mistaken bye now!

The butterfly pierces
The air in
The happy room
The hymn of chicken pies

Elucidate this sun
demands the butterfly
till I return
for now I'm off
to Mars

Sunday, February 14, 2010

1st Day of the Tiger Year

The atmosphere of new year arrives once more. This time last year I did not come back. This time I did though.

Anyway, coming back to KL has it's good points. Sleeping on my bed aside, I get to do some shopping and tick some items off my shopping list.

I'll be shameless now and record 3 things that I'm currently grateful for:
1. I'm grateful for really good buddies that I have been hanging out with for the past week. Palpably the good times we share in this life are finite and transient, but at least our memories of them will last much longer.
2. I'm grateful for renewed perspectives and self knowledge that I have discovered recently.
3. I'm grateful for the good relationship between CKL and myself and to know that she has been doing fine.

Yep and that much I will record for now.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

After a long long time

Yes folks. After almost 11 months this blog has come alive again. The weeds of thoughts again spring from them fingers of mine. My comma key isn't working on my keyboard. Oh well.

Week 4 has just ended. Time passes really fast in NUS.

I'm not struggling as much as I am anxious. Anxious that my engine is not quite started yet when the race has already begun 4 weeks ago.

Education is to me perhaps... preparation to be of service.
And I shall leave it at that. as the predicate following 'perhaps...'

For it is not wise to overconceptualize things.
It is not wise to point at the moon and focus on the finger.

Whilst missing all that heavenly glory.