It has been quite a while since my last blog update: roughly over a month. Looking back at my overambitious June/July resolutions, I cannot help but feel amused at how desperate I was to activate myself.
To little avail of course.
The activation was a disaster. Like the seed of a daffodil engulfed by crashing waves, or a coconut destined to the santan factory... (squints) I must try again.
There are several reasons why I decided to blog today. One of them being that several interesting events have happened in the past few weeks and I feel obliged to upload my memory here so that I can reflect upon them in a more unwithered form in the unforeseeable future. Another simply because I find blogging to be a sort of mental enema. It grants me the illusion of forgetting something, with the promise that the things I express are now explicitly scriptured into a film of cyberspace.
First thing, rock climbing. I think I have finally found an extreme sport that I can really enjoy. Went rock climbing twice at the Summit USJ with Li Ling, Dexter Soong, etc. Rock climbing requires good technique and a strong determination to overcome challenges. It is for me, a process that vividly resembles challenges we face in life. I noticed that we may actually overcome both challenges in a rather similar way. For example, a tough wall to scale may have some tough spots to get through. Sometimes when these hurdles become really impossible, one can try observing how people do it successfully and then succeed in one's own way by copying them.
Second thing, fundraising via newspaper collection. Team Bravo (the team I coordinate) organized an old newspaper collection fundraising activity at the Bangsar neighbourhood to great success. I joined them in the afternoon for a Mcdonald's lunch before contributing transportation power to aid them in the translocation of newspapers. Aggresively, the team members were observed to split up and request newspaper from bewildered residents peering from behind the illusion of security that is their home's iron grills. In the end, the funds raised from approximately 8 hours of newspaper collection culminated to roughly 600 Ringgits. This was above the group's target by a comfortable margin of 100 Ringgits. Needless to say, everyone in the group was jubilant. Though of course, no one has raised a finger yet to claim any money for petrol from this cookie jar of funds. And to think that recently I've pumped close to 200 Ringgits worth of petrol in less than 2 weeks. I guess the guy who wins the most is the newspaper collection company.
Shortly before I left for Singapore, I was summoned to a 'formal' bye-bye session by some Raleigh friends. We went to Old Town White Coffee for supper. Both Alvins, Li Ling, Kar Lye, Christal, Shih Chung, and BJ were there. Was feeling quite warm and fuzzy I guess. To dine with close friends before I leave the country. hehehe. I also had another 'formal' dinner session with my family at sushi king, Leisure Mall. And so marks the end of my 6 months holiday. hahaha. It was well spent, every moment of it: travelling at 10,000 feet above the ground, traversing jungles, bickering with English people, diving in the south china sea, getting rowdy with friends, hunting, meeting lots of new people, ETC. I feel a note of congratulations is at hand. From myself to myself. Throughout this 6 months, I have experienced disillusionment after disillusionment. Which I suppose is a good thing since I guess that's part of growing up. We discard what doesn't work, and work with what we have that works. That's part of being an engineer. lol.
I will talk about Singapore next time, though I'm at NUS at the moment, I'm feeling kinda hungry.~ 7pm ~
Best friends
8 years ago