In the simpson's there is one episode (Last Exit to Springfield) where Homer was faced with 2 ideas in his brain.
1. Lisa needs bracers.
2. Keg of beer or free employee dental plan.
While it would have been obvious for us to see that any person of reasonable intelligence should see the relation between these 2 ideas namely, that Homer should choose the free employee dental plan because Lisa needs bracers; In the episode Homer in that instant did not realize this and it was quite amusing to watch such stupidity.
Until of course, I realized that I myself am often guilty of such idiocy as well.
Many ideas exist in our mind. Unfortunately unless we consciously try to see connections between them, compare them, or combine them, these precious ideas remain unactivated; floating, and destined to the mind's recycle bin.
With that in mind. Consider, the collector of knowledge. How smart can knowledge make a person who does not see connections between them and utilizes them? At best that person can become a walking encyclopedia. Even if homer had all the ideas conveyed in the Britannica Encyclopedia, with his level of brain activity. It is plain to see that it wouldn't make much of a difference.
Therefore dear friends. If these symptoms fit your heart too, consider changing professions... from a know it all - to a connect it all.